Monday, May 21, 2007

Eisenach, Germany

May 16: Pulled weeds today...

May 17: Today is a holiday here...called Man's day...kind of a cool idea...all of the men walk around in the woods and carry around a bunch of liquor and get least that's the part I got out of it

...we pulled more weeds...

May 18: Made another trip to tegut (the local grocery store) today, this time with the trailer in tow (see the pictures below), I tried to make it up the hill on the way home with it full of drink bottles and a backpack full of groceries...I didn't quite make it...

...then we pulled another crap load of weeds...

May 19: Today is the no making loud noises rule was in effect, our neighbors Gerd and Sabine invited us over for dinner, we were not expecting a huge deal but they pulled out the whole German spread, pork BBQ'd in every which direction and some really good pasta and vegetable salads. It has been really fun getting to know them, they are about as far along in English as we are in German so it makes for some interesting conversation, although we have been amazed at what all we can talk about...we had a dessert that I thought they were saying had pot in it because they kept talking about coffee shops in Amsterdam since we are on our way there Tuesday, but they were just saying there were poppy seeds in it and it will make you fail a drug test.

May 20: Got invited today to go to a local motocross race. My (Eric) Dad's friend Reggie is involved in a motorcycle club. It was just like the US...all the guys there were showing off their scars and all the girls had dyed hair and various was a fun day...we had bratwurst...which has kind of been the theme so far since we have been here...and we drank a few beers...Leslie is still getting used to the bigger and stronger beers here! You all know I'm no lightweight so I'm doing fine.

May 21: We rode our bikes into Eisenach today to find a wireless signal so we could blog! Holy crap we finally have free Wifi in Germany, yah!!!

The slide show below is a summary of our trip up until now. Hopefully we will get pictures out and the blog updated a little more regularly now that we are getting everything figured out.


Unknown said...

great pictures!!!

Unknown said...

It is so wierd that you already blogged today and I am just waking up! Ha! Love the pictures and your "car" is so cute! Picture request for next time......picture of the hill you climb up (come on les you did spinning at the gym :)) and one of your neighbors! Love hearing all the stories! Miss you both!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah........and why are you pulling so many darn weeds?

Unknown said...

What's up with all the "weed pullin'"?? Ohhhh....I get that code for something...wink, wink? Like 420...wink, wink.